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  2. Oren Eini

Oren Eini

Oren Eini


CEO and Founder of RavenDB. Life-long Software developer. Speaker. Blogger at ayende.com for 17 years, focusing on software development. Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional. Twenty years’ experience with Microsoft’s .NET ecosystem. Author of “Inside RavenDB”, published by Hibernating Rhinos. An internationally acclaimed presenter. Keynote speaker at DevTeach, JAOO, and Oredev. A firm believer in using new technology to rebuild old models.

MY MISSION: To enable organizations to meet the unprecedented needs to process, manage, and analyze massive amounts of data with the latest technology and architecture to keep systems running at the speed of business.

MY JOURNEY: Throughout my career, I got frustrated working with relational databases. I started as a consultant for companies looking to improve the performance of data-driven applications. I kept seeing customers struggling with this, not because they were unqualified for the task, but because they kept using the wrong tools for the job. I wrote a blog post about what I thought an ideal datastore for OLTP applications (online transaction processing applications, a fancy way to say business applications) should look like. A few months later, I had the skeleton of what would eventually become RavenDB and a burning desire to make it a reality.


RavenDB with Oren Eini

RavenDB with Oren Eini